
DoMosaics provides a GUI for analysing protein domain data. It includes the following features:

  • drawing of domain arrangements
  • calculation of dot plots between domain arrangements
  • create phylogenetic trees based on domain arrangements
  • provide statstics of loaded domain annotations

The current version can be found here: domosaics.jar

To run DoMosaics use the following command:

java -jar domosaics.jar

Unfortunately that version is not yet compatible with the new RADS version we provide on this website. However, we do plan to rewrite DoMosaics in the future to be compatible with all our new software.


We are planing to update this project in the future to be compatible with the new DomainWorld framework and thereby with the new RADS version. Additionally we plan to have the following features:

  • drawing of domain arrangements and alignments allowing to change shape and coloring of domains
  • ability to search for similar domain arrangements
  • calculation of domain based phylogenetic trees
  • dot plots


If you used DoMosaics in your project please cite our publication:

Moore AD, Held A, Terrapon N, Weiner J and Bornberg-Bauer E, DoMosaics: Software for domain arrangement visualization and domain-centric analysis of proteins. Bioinformatics, 2014 Jan 15;30(2):282-3. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt640.